The Reverend Robyn Franklin-Vaughn
The Reverend Deacon Elizabeth Dixon
The Vestry
In the Episcopal Church the Vestry is the elected, representative governing body of a parish, responsible for helping guide and support the congregation in its faith and service mission. The Vestry, which meets monthly, plans and directs church organizational, administrative and fiscal activities, and the selection of the rector.
The Vestry is composed of the rector and elected members, each member serving a 3 year term, and from which a Senior Warden and a Junior Ward elected. New Vestry members are elected each year at the parish’s annual meeting.
The current members of the Vestry are: Sue Bartley (Junior Warden), Clayton Cottrell, Ashley Freeman, Leslie Hairston (Senior Warden), Michael Goffney, Richard Medlock, Wilton Nedd, Ken Omard, and Suzette Simon-Howard. Member with voice but no vote, Sandra Charles, Treasurer.