St. Barnabas’ Church has a long, strong tradition of outreach and service to local and global communities. The work of our Outreach Ministry is symbolic of who we are. Locally, St. Barnabas has supported local shelters and service organizations with volunteer labor, prepared meals, clothing, and other resources. For example, St Barnabas has provided the Bowie Food Pantry with hundreds of cases of beef stew. The church has provided school supplies, clothing, and other resources to local schools, as well as holiday food and gifts to needy families. Internationally, St. Barnabas has sponsored children and provided other support to a missionary organization operating in Haiti. St. Barnabas has also partnered with an Episcopal church in Monrovia Liberia to supply children with educational supplies. The St. Barnabas’ community has also responded to numerous national and international emergencies with various support. The Ministry conducts fund-raising efforts periodically to supplement the resources provided by the congregation. Please contact the church office for additional information.